Meet Bridget Remington - Ware Law Group

Meet Bridget Remington

Bridget has always stood out.  Now she’s found where she really fits in.

Bridget Remington grew up in Bethel, Maine, a small town that doubles in size during ski season.  Though she loves the people and landscape of Maine, her quest for intellectual challenge led her away, first to Stanford University in California and, later, to Stetson Law School in Florida.

“I love the law, but it took a while to find my place in it.

“My law school performance gave me the opportunity to clerk at the Second District Court of Appeal and then teach at Stetson Law School.  After that, everyone told me that, with my law school grades, I should go to a big law firm.  Although I spent years working at big firms, it wasn’t an environment that felt right to me.”

Bridget eventually found family law – a constantly changing, legally challenging, area of practice that suited her.  Then, as Ellen was pursuing a landmark appeal with statewide repercussions, she sought out Bridget to be her co-counsel.  Ellen approached Bridget because Ellen’s husband, a judge on the appellate court at which Bridget clerked, had always been impressed by her intellect, creativity and quick wit.  Their collaboration in that case was almost magical, and when Ellen was looking to expand the Ware Law Group, Bridget was the clear choice.

“Ellen practices law in a way no one else does.  She would just call me up and we would discuss cases for hours.  I love that she’s so engaged and interested.  To her it’s not work.  It’s just part of who she is.”

Now an integral part of Ware Law Group’s traditional and collaborative family law practice, Bridget also helps clients appeal when a trial judge makes a wrong decision – or defend their case if their former spouse appeals.

“With appeals, you get to take a really deep dive into the law.  You’re solving a problem.  It’s a unique puzzle that needs a specified skill set.  Not everyone wants to do it or can do it, and few people do it really well.  You’re working on building a body of law that is going to stay even after you’re gone.  Writing appeals is something I do well, and I enjoy it.”

Clearly, Bridget has found her fit in both firm and focus.  Oh, and she recently rebuilt a little log cabin in Bethel, Maine.


  • Florida Bar, 2003


  • A.B., English (with honors), Stanford University, 1996
  • M.A., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Mississippi, 1998
  • J.D., Stetson University College of Law, 2003
  • Law school honors and achievements include: Stetson Law Review Editor in Chief, top 8% of her class, finalist (second-place team) on Moot Court Wagner Labor & Employment Competition, numerous book awards, Teaching Assistant, and Teaching Fellow

Professional Leadership

  • Bridget has been a frequent contributor to local and state bar publications and presenter of Continuing Legal Education topics to her colleagues, which she views as an important (and enjoyable) service to the legal community.

Of Interest

  • Bridget is the mother of an adult daughter and a senior miniature schnauzer. She has written two novels.